Students are encouraged to participate CPGIS Best Student Paper Competition, which will be part of GeoInformatics 2011. The Competition is a long-standing tradition of CPGIS for promoting academic development of young scholars in geographical information science.
As successfully done in the last year, the journal of CPGIS, Annals of GIS (published by Taylor & Francis, a world-leading academic publisher) will continue to hold the privilege to be the first to consider publishing the awarded papers. Your participation in the Competition indicates that you would agree to give Annals of GIS this privilege. All the awarded papers will go through the normal peer-review process of the journal. In case the journal would decide not to publish your awarded paper, the paper is still eligible to be published in the Conference proceedings. Note: Annals of GIS is currently NOT an SCI journal yet while the Conference Proceedings is EI-covered.
To be eligible for participating in the Competition, the first author of the paper must meet ALL the conditions as follows:
(1) The author is currently an enrolled graduate or undergraduate student;
(2) The author is a member of CPGIS (please go to to find out your membership status and the procedure for joining CPGIS);
(3) The author completes the main parts of the research and writing for the paper;
(4) The author receives the notice from GeoInformatics 2011 that his/her abstract has been accepted;
(5) The paper has not been published or is under consideration of publication in any journals or conference proceedings; and
(6) The author has not used the paper to apply for other awards.
(7) The author must register the Conference.
Selection Process
The Award Committee will invite renowned scholars to review the participating papers. Selected papers will be organized into special sessions of GeoInformatics 2011 for oral presentation. Judges appointed by the Award Committee will determine the final awardees based on qualities of both papers and associated presentations. Participating papers not selected for the Competition sessions are still eligible to be included in other sessions of GeoInformatics 2011.
The awards include one First-Place Award ($600), one Second-Place Award ($300), and two Third-Place Awards ($150 each). Besides the monetary awards, awardees will receive certificate plaques. The awards will be presented in a general public event of GeoInformatics 2011. The awardees and their advisors will be featured in the CPGIS News Letter and website.
How to participate?
Please email your FULL papers by attaching corresponding computer files to (NOT to the Conference). The DEADLINE for submitting full papers for the Competition is April 10, 2011.
Different from other full papers submitted to the Conference, papers submitted for the Competition must strictly follow the format required by Annals of GIS. Please find the format requirements at
Because the student paper competition is also part of the Conference, all participants of the Competition must pay registration fee for attending the conference. Authors can also submit another version of their full papers for being included in the conference proceedings published by IEEE following the instruction in the "Publications" page and pay publication fee. After the Competition, publication fee will be returned to awardees if their papers are accepted by Annals of GIS, because their papers will not be included in the conference proceedings.
Please forward all inquiries about the Competition to Shaowen Wang (Chair of The Award Committee of CPGIS) at: Thanks for your interest, and look forward to receiving your submissions!